Town Street, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS27 7AB | Tel: 0113 201 2450

Gildersome Primary School

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve


Local community

Nurture, Aspire, Achieve

The community in which we live provides many excellent opportunities for enriching the lives of our children and their families. Where possible we work in close partnership with as many groups as we can and are always interested in establishing links with new groups.

Click the links to visit our community websites.

Gildersome Parish Council

We work closely with our Parish Council on a number of major village events, such as The Christmas Lights and Scarecrow Festival. They have also provided funding for a number of projects in school.

Gildersome Baptist Church

David Newton, our local Baptist Minister, is a regular visitor to school. In September 2010 we had a meeting at which we identified areas of our R.E. curriculum where his expertise could enhance the children's learning.

The Baptist Church have also helped us tremendously with our Friday Rewards by allowing us to use their hall for a variety of activities. We'll be using the hall more in the coming years, as a part of our newly implemented plan to further enrich our curriculum by holding Harvest Festivals, Carol Concerts and Easter Services in local churches.

St. Peter's Church

Reverend Canon Felicity Lawson, Liz Silver (R.E. teacher) and John Marsden (Youth Worker) are all regular visitors to school. In the summer of 2010 we worked together to determine how we could work together to improve our R.E. provision. Having agreed an action plan Liz now provides regular classroom support for the teaching of several aspects of the curriculum.

John Marsden works in school on a weekly basis. He kindly runs a lunchtime club providing the children with the opportunity to develop social values. John has also agreed to lead fortnightly  in school for our junior children.

Gildersome Cricket Club

Have provided our pupils with the opportunity to compete competitive cricket.

Gildersome Spurs

Our local football club have for many years had strong ties with school. In addition to training and playing on our fields they also hold their annual gala here.

Morley Rugby Football Club

Coaches from the club have visited our school on many occasions to enhance our P.E. provision by delivering tag rugby training.

4th Morley (Gildersome) Scouts Group

As well as providing many of our pupils with a range of outstanding opportunities, they have recently used the school as a base for their jamboree.

Neighbourhood Police Team

Provide support with the school gala and occasionally visit school to discuss ways in which we can improve our community.


Partnership Opportunities

If you represent a new or existing group and you'd like to develop a closer link with us, please complete the contact form and we'll arrange a meeting to see what we can achieve together.

Contact Form