Design Technology
dt - intent
Design and Technology encourages children to learn to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team. We encourage children to use their creativity and imagination, to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. The children are also given opportunities to reflect upon and evaluate past and present design technology, its uses and its effectiveness and are encouraged to become innovators and risk-takers.
We use a scheme called 'Projects on a Page' to support out Design Technology Teaching. The scheme lists skills and knowledge that needs to be taught for each of the units.
The basis for this scheme of work is a series of project planners’ that give scope for teachers to use their creativity and professional judgment, whilst ensuring the quality, integrity and rigour of children’s learning.
Each planner is accompanied by useful sketches and diagrams in a helpsheet format to support teachers when they are delivering the project in the classroom. Also included are suggestions on class organisation, teaching tips and techniques, links to resources and a glossary of technical terminology related to the project.
If you wish to know more about how 'Projects on a page' is taught in school, please contact us.